Tuesday, December 05, 2006

The Great Christmas War of the 21st Century

The Right-Wing Religious Wackos (RWRWs) are revving up their War on Christmas rhetoric again this year. Their leader, Bill O'Reilly of the Faux News Channel, the wackiest of them all, reminds me of Don Quixote jousting with windmills. Of course, O'Reilly has an ulterior motive: his ratings have fallen dramatically, so he desperately needs a windmill with which to joust.

Of course, the War on Christmas is as imaginary as the "War on Terror" or the "War on Drugs." There may just as well be a "War on Evil" or a "War on Ugliness." These "wars" sound righteous enough and give the RWRWs a sense that they're doing something, but of course they are pure fiction. Conservative power-grabbers devised these terms to rally their RWRW base in order to keep themselves in power. In George Orwell's prophetic 1984 the government invented an interminable imaginary war for the purpose of keeping a despotic government in power. Funny how life imitates fiction.

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